Typical Worship Order
- Welcome & Announcements
- Prelude
- Worship Songs
- Passing of the Peace
- Children's Blessing
- Word of God
- Communion (monthly)
- Prayers of the People
- Tithes and Offerings
- Doxology and Prayer
- Closing Song
- Benediction and Postlude
Sunday ServiceEver since the first followers of Jesus stumbled upon his empty grave, Christians have gathered weekly on Sundays. It’s the day we believe Jesus conquered the powers of death, freed us from sin’s strong pull, and opened wide the way to new life. Our worship service has three movements: 1) We approach God, 2) We experience God’s Word, and 3) We respond to God. The approach begins with a welcome, which reminds us that God always welcomes us home. The experience includes both hearing God’s Word and tasting that Word in the Lord’s Supper - a visible means of an invisible grace. We respond with gratitude by praying for others and offering our resources for Jesus’ mission. At the end of the service, we are sent out to love and serve our neighbors. |
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What to ExpectFor those who like to know what to expect, let us walk you through a typical Sunday service in‐person and online. After a few announcements, we’ll begin worship with a couple songs. We’ll have some prayers in between and invite you to extend a friendly greeting to others (traditionally called ‘passing the peace’). We’ll invite the kids forward, who will bless the grown‐ups by saying “The Lord be with you,” to which the grown‐ups will respond, “and also with you.” Then we’ll hear God’s Word proclaimed and applied to our daily lives. We’ll have another song or two so that we can respond to God’s Word with gratitude. On the first Sunday of the month we’ll also partake of the Lord’s Supper together (aka ‘communion’ or ‘the Eucharist’). At some point we’ll have an extended time of prayer, as we lift up the concerns of the congregation, our community, and our world. We conclude the service by receiving a ‘benediction,’ which is simply a ‘good word’ from God to you. The worship service will look the same, whether you are in‐person or online. For those online, we have some pro tips for you to really experience God during the worship service. 1) We encourage you to eliminate as many distractions as possible (e.g. turn off your phone, or at least put it on silent mode). 2) Find a comfortable place and get settled. We want you to feel safe and open to what God might have for you through the service. 3) If possible, watch with others. Project the service onto the big screen and grab a friend or family member. This will help you still experience the community element of worship. 4) Finally, engage as far as you feel comfortable in the YouTube live chat. Introduce yourself. Share prayer requests if you’d like. And if you wish, feel free to follow up with a pastor, who would love to connect with you in person or by zoom. |
Typical Worship Order
Sunday worship orients our lives to the things that matter. But eventually we must attend to those very things in the fabric of our everyday lives: our families, marriages, workplaces, neighborhoods, networks, and communities. After all, Jesus does not call us to cloister ourselves away from society, but equips us to channel the very presence of God into that messy society. That’s why we must go deeper.
Contact UsLooking for more information? Need to speak with a Pastor? Have a prayer request? Have a praise to report?We'd love to hear from you! |